Friday, January 8, 2010

Weight Loss Myths That Can Put Your Life in Danger!

You read the magazine regularly, you're sure to find lots of tips about weight loss. Some of these tips actually work, and others do not. The people who generally do not work are those who recommend fad diets, weight loss supplements and pills. The tips that really work for all people is always simple: that diet and exercise. Weight loss industry is loaded with myths and misinformation, and people often tend to twist the truth, either because their own advantage or out of plain stupidity. In this article I will discuss three such weight-loss myths.

1.Spot fat reduction may be, is absolutely not true, and I believe that every expert will lose weight unanimously agreed to this. You can not force your body to reduce the fat in any circumstances, no matter what type of exercise you do. If you're only doing sit-ups and often raised his legs in hopes of reducing belly fat, you'll see that instead of reducing your belly fat, you will reduce muscle mass in the lower abdomen. For this reason, your focus should not be in the sit-ups and lift their own feet, you also have to follow a healthy diet will speed up your metabolic rate and help you burn fat fast!

2.Sebuah drastically reduce your calorie intake to reduce your body fat, this myth has led many people on the verge of crash dieting. People who need to crash diet in the hope of shedding extra pounds, most do not realize that crash diets they harm the body instead of helping them. As a matter of fact, when you are hungry or fast, your body realize that you will kill him and then go into starvation mode. Whereas in starvation mode, your body slows down your metabolic rate and burn muscle for energy. In this way, you will not lose much fat at all; if any, you lose your valuable muscle. And after you return to your normal diet, you will gain weight!

3.Cardio exercise alone will help you lose weight: While it is true that cardio exercise can help you lose fat, that's not true that this is the only type of weight loss exercises are available, do not forget aerobics. As a matter of fact, the amount of fat you will lose do one cardio or aerobics almost the same. On the other hand, weight lifting is better than both cardio and aerobics, in the sense that it not only helps you burn fat during exercise, but even after that!

I really hope that this article has succeeded in bringing the weight-loss real truth before you!


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