Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to Read Food Labels

You can not measure each item that passes through your lips, but it is a good idea to measure most foods and beverages until you get a feel for portion sizes.
This is SUPERSIZED world out there, and most people are surprised to find that their idea of a single serving is actually two or three.

If you are into bells and whistles, there are food scales that are preprogrammed with nutritional information, and scale that will save the running total of your daily intake of food and nutrition for you. The only tool that truly need, however, is simple and inexpensive gram scale, dry and liquid measuring cups, and the idea of reading food labels.

Among all the tools mentioned, reading food labels seem to be the most effective way to determine the right kind of food should be bought in supermarkets. This allows you to make food choices that make sense. Through the "Nutrition Facts" on the part of certain goods in the store, you can identify the number of serving sizes provided in the product.

With food labels, you can clearly understand the amount and type of nutrients provided in the item. Usually, contains information about saturated fat, sodium, total fat, fiber, and cholesterol amount "per serving."

However, understanding and reading these food labels can be very confusing. A typical consumer would ask what the numbers mean and how it will affect her diet intake if he would serve the religion to follow established guidelines on food labels.

To more clearly and have a more comprehensive understanding of the items listed in food labels, here is a list of things you need to know:

1. Serving

This is the main item you will see on food labels.
The number of servings listed on the label refers to the amount of food people usually consume food. However, this does not mean you own that reflects the amount of food intake.

In addition, serving size determines the amount of nutrients that enter the body. This means that if you will follow strictly what the serving size, you'll get the same amount of nutrients according to the serving size given on the label.

For example, if the serving size says one serving size equal to 54 grams, that means you have to measure 54 grams and eat that and you've just eaten one serving. So to speak, the amount of nutrients contained in food labels in the same amount that has entered your body considering the fact that you've just eaten 54 grams.

However, if you've eaten everything, and the food label says that each packet is equivalent to 4 servings, you must calculate the amount of nutrients that have entered your body. This means that if the food label says 250 calories per serving, which means you have to multiply it to four to get the total number of calories that have been taken.

2. Nutrition

This refers to the list of available nutrients in a particular item. This is also where the nutritional claims of products based on the daily allowance recommended dietary stated. Typically, the amount of nutrition is based on both diet 2500 calories and 2000 recommended dietary allowances.

In order to understand the numerical value of each item, you must know that the "% daily value" that shows the actual food label is based on how specific foods according to the daily allowance recommended for 2000 calorie diet.

If in the event that you have purchased an item that has a dietary allowance different from the 2,000-calorie diet, you only need to divide the amount specified by the 2000 and you will be able to identify the "% daily value" for nutrition.

3. Materials

This refers to the list of materials used to produce the product. The listing is usually arranged from the main ingredients that have a greater amount of weight to the smallest amount. This means that the actual amount of food, including the largest number of primary materials or items first and the last minimum amount of material.

4. Label claim

This refers to the kinds of nutritional claims of certain foodstuffs. example, if an item says it is sodium-free, he has less than 5 milligrams per serving or a low fat item actually contains 3 grams of fat or less.

Indeed, reading food labels can be very boring and confusing. However, once you get the hang of it, it's easier for you to watch your diet because you can control the amount of food you take.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Free List Of Negative Calorie Foods

You will find a free list of negative calorie foods below, but first let us consider what it means. There is no such thing as negative calorie - a calorie is a unit of heat and it can not be negative. So, when people talk about negative calorie foods, it just means calories of food level low enough that it takes more energy to eat and digest food than contain.

For example, if you consider the water to the food, then cold water of the negative calorie food. Contain no calories at all and your body has to spend energy to bring it to the temperature of blood. So every time we drink a glass of cold water we burn some calories and lose weight a little. But there are very few foods like this. Most food in the list do not actually use more calories than they add, or if they make a negligible effect until you remember that at the same time the body expends energy just to stay alive and breathing. Celery for example does not provide enough calories to cover both the energy needed to digest it, plus the energy that we spend, even when we do nothing. So that's why people call it a negative calorie food.

Negative calorie foods are most attractive to Anorexia. Negative calorie diet would obviously result in starvation in the long term and malnutrition can occur with surprising speed. Burn calories usually come from muscle mass, and the result is a lack of energy and waste.

A more healthy way to use a negative calorie food is a form of fasting or detox. This is something you can do to one to three days after Christmas or other times when you have to eat foods rich in the above. Provided you are healthy can be a great way to cleanse the system. But the best is still to take medical advice before trying this. If you decide to use a negative calorie detox, keep the following things in mind:

1. It is never a good idea to eat large amounts of one type of food, especially fruits. Many foods contain substances that can damage if consumed in excess. For example, sour orange and pineapple can damage your stomach lining. Other foods put an excessive burden on the liver or may cause diarrhea. So try to use all the different foods in small amounts.

2. Do not spend all day eating. You will only become bloated and feel sick. If you only do this for a few days, you do not need to feel too hungry. Plan four or five salad eat every day, and let your digestion rest at other times.

3. You'll feel more satisfied if you eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. You also will use more calories that way. So, if the food can be eaten raw, which would be more effective than cooking them. Foods like carrots and beets will also be more satisfying if you eat them grated.

4. Schedule time when you do not have a significant commitment. As with fasting or any kind of detoxification, you may suffer some uncomfortable symptoms including headaches, fatigue, depression and irritability. If this becomes severe, stop the diet and the doctor.

5. When you end the detox, plan a gradual return to normal eating. If all the above points are checked and passed, let us turn to the list of foods.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weight Loss The Easy Way!

With weight loss comes a lot of dedication and lifestyle changes. We can start with exercise, which is very important for all weight-loss program. A healthy body is the result of proper nutrition combined with regular pattern of physical exercise. Your weight will depend on how you intend to make it happen. Not be difficult and you do not need to take weight loss supplements or pills.

Exercise to improve the quality of muscle tissue and stimulates the process of digestions, absorption, metabolism, and elimination. This strengthens blood vessels, lung, and liver, thus increasing the transfer of oxygen to cells and improve circulation.

The key to all types of exercise is a strong will and sincere desire to improve the physical condition with weight loss. The best way to lose weight is to do activities and exercises that you enjoy and have fun with.

A weight-loss program may include a variety of ideal forms of exercise. Gymnastics consist of light exercise including sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, which promote the suppression order to build muscle. Dancing or rhythmic exercise is often a fun way to exercise and lose weight, with the tightening of the body. Isometrics involve muscle stress or muscle groups against each other or an immoveable object. This is a good place to cut because it can be applied to the target area. Stretching is a natural exercise that should be done regularly, and a good habit to develop. Can increase energy and endurance, stimulate circulation and reduce stiffness. Walking is one of the best overall weight training, which helps the overall system function better. Weight lifting and muscle strengthening exercises, which recommended a weight management plan.

Above all, do not forget to recreational exercise also, this will help keep you on task with the aim of your weight.

The next step in that can help you is to add proper nutrition to your weight loss management plan. You need to understand what your body needs and how to consume the proper amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein, which is the main source of energy for the body. They supply the fuel needed to heat the body and work. This is important for fast weight loss. Therefore, foods high in caloric value of high-energy, while the low food energy value is low in calories. Fats yield about 9 calories per gram, carbohydrates and proteins yield about 4 calories per gram.

By following the food pyramid guidelines now, you can reduce calories and with joint exercises, you take to lose weight quickly and easily. Remember to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid soda, fattening foods such as chips, and cookies, etc.

1. Eat six mini-meals a day this will allow your body to eat more frequent snacking curbing your appetite.
2.Minuman in rent 64 ounces of water per day, but the amount you drink should be based on weight and size.
3. Choose healthy foods from each food group.
4. Include some weight lifting in the weight management plan, this will allow you to keep proper muscle while losing weight.